Tuesday, November 18, 2008
painting.. standstill :(
Sooo I'm at a standstill with painting until this Friday. I am needing more acrylics and well... clay too! I'm wanting to start sculpting again and w/out the $$ I can't do anything right now. Really frustrating. Oh well, at least there is Friday (aka payday). Soo until then, I have a green canvas (along with green on my pants lol) with a blank center waiting for the lotus to be finished. UGH! Pictures of paintings are very finicky :P the colors never come out the way they are in real life. Oh well I guess maybe you'll have to go see it at Adventures Underground in the Uptown Center when it's finished. :D
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ingrid Michaelson, David Ford and Newton Faulkner
David Ford, first act.
Newton Faulkner, second act.
And the amazing Ingrid Michaelson.
The concert for Ingrid Michaelson with opening acts David Ford and also Newton Faulkner was Monday night. It was such an incredible night!! I've been to a few concerts and shows and the opening acts are generally so so but man they were FANTASTIC monday!!! David Ford does this whole one man band thing that is just WOW! And Newton Faulkner is so incredibly talented and the songs he sings are just... well I'm guessing that they will reach/touch each person differently sooo check them out for yourself k? The greatest part was finally getting to meet Ingrid M. I had joined up in her street team so that I would get to and didn't get the email until Tuesday that the meet and greet had been changed to 7:30pm instead of 6:30pm which I was there and waiting for anxiously. So I had been talking to her friend and salesperson Marylynn (who is absolutely FANTASTIC!!!) and she said that she would talk to Ingrid for me. Well she did and so did her drummer Elliot Jacobson and to make a long story short Ingrid came up from her little hiding place twice to meet with us (B, Ruth and I). We missed the first time because we thought we were supposed to be outside, but she came up again when we went inside and talked with Marylynn and Elliot and Elliot went down and told Ingrid that we were upstairs. They are all so sweet!!! Words cannot express what a wonderful time I had!!! I very much recommend getting to one of their shows before their tour is over. Tickets are stinkin cheap and the show is better than any I've been to (including much higher priced shows), seriously get out there and get your tickets now to a show near you.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Ingrid Michaelson
Something new that I hadn't put on here yet.... SO excited for Ingrid Michaelson's concert this Tuesday!!!!!!! I'm loving it!!
Check out her latest video for Be Ok a song she did for Stand Up 2 Cancer
My face is in there!!! YAY!
A Wedding Weekend

So this weekend I was in a wedding, my beautiful cousin Tammy. It was wonderful!! I had some fun and got even more frustrated with my camera :( I'm officially looking for a temp job to buy a new camera. I love some of the pictures I got but they are all gritty and have too much noise!!! ARGH! Well here is one of my favorites :D
Thanks Larae!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Right place right time.
I can not believe how perfect this shot was set up for me. Thank you Lord!! I don't know how some see things this beautiful in this world and still believe that it is all coincidence, accidents cannot possibly be this perfect.

Job 31:26-28 If I have observed the sun when it shines, or the moon moving in brightness, so that my heart has been secretly enticed, and my mouth has kissed my hand; This also would be an iniquity deserving of judgment, for I would have denied God who is above.
A new friendly face.

So I've been out driving around a lot and have seen so many amazing photo opportunities and didn't stop that when I was standing right in front of one I decided to not miss this one.
I love the tea that is surrounding her and her wide bright eyes and friendly smile. This lovely lady made my day today. Thank you Linda!
A question for photographers...
What would you say is the best camera for variety of photography? I've been trying to figure out which one would be the best to buy for the money... having a VERY hard time.
Thanks for any responses :)
Thanks for any responses :)
more photography...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Mysterious Woman
Did a photo that I'm pretty excited about... more excited after the first sale of one of my paintings :D YAY! But I'm having fun with photography too :D Sooo here is a recent one that I did, I'm planning on doing some things to it that are not on the computer sooo..... it will look different live, I'll have to take a picture of it when I'm completely finished. She's stho mysthterious ;) love you punchie!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
So I'm finally finished w/ the Wine Cellar painting. I don't know how people can paint a painting in one day unless it's the size of a picture that you can get from wal-mart. I'm pretty excited about this one because it is my first real acrylic soo.. be gentle :D
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Silent Auction piece benefitting family in Prosser.
I am so excited about this piece. I have been really thinking and trying to figure out something that someone would want to buy because I didn't want to put something in this auction that someone would put down a dollar for just to help out the family and then end up tossing the painting in the trash or something. So I came up with this... I've been sketching it out all day today and I am getting SO excited!! I can't wait to finish it :D I have my passion for art back!! YAY!!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ever since I was 9 I wanted a pug of my very own. I now have one and I was so right when I was 9. Pugs are the greatest! I love my Bruiser, he is so sweet and adorable and well whenever I am sad I just look at his little squishy face and it always makes me smile. He is my handsome. I did this sketch while he was dozing and looking out the window leaning on me.
My nephew
My neice's wall
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Father's Day

Here's a portrait I did for my brother in-law for his first father's day. It's VERY beginner but... well at least you can tell who it is LOL :P ANYways, I'm hoping to get better at portraits.. we'll see I guess :D I'm happy with how the hair turned out tho! :D
Psalm 22:4 Our fathers trusted in You;They trusted, and You delivered them.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
My Daddy

A portrait of my Dad done in watercolor.
Proverbs 17:6 Children’s children are the crown of old men, And the glory of children is their father.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Yellow flower in the rain.

2 Samuel 23:4And he shall be like the light of the morning when the sun rises,A morning without clouds, Like the tender grass springing out of the earth, By clear shining after rain.’
The Foundation Tree.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
knock knock
who's there?
orange who?
knock knock.
who's there?
orange who?
knock knock
who's there?
banana who?
Orange you glad I didn't say orange again?!

Here's my orange :D A watercolor. I'm in <3 with watercolor!!!
orange who?
knock knock.
who's there?
orange who?
knock knock
who's there?
banana who?
Orange you glad I didn't say orange again?!

Here's my orange :D A watercolor. I'm in <3 with watercolor!!!
cherry blossoms,
Monday, February 25, 2008
My latest..
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
New Beginning
So I painted this one special for a new baby girl that will be born into my family pretty soon. My cousin and his wife are expecting her next month. I love this picture and if you recognize it, well it's because it is based off of the children's story Guess How Much I Love You by by Sam McBratney (Author), Anita Jeram (Illustrator). It is such a beautiful story and I absolutely love the illustrations sooo.. with a little tweaking and water color I was able to recreate it for my new little cousin. I'm thinking I may be doing more with this. I have always loved watercolor since I was younger, everything seems to turn out soft and bright. I love how this picture creates, although with rabbits, the show of love that is always so apparent in mother or father's eyes for their child.
Psalm 36:7 How precious is Your loving kindness, O God!Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.

mother and child,
My posting
Ok so I'm definitely not the best blogger in the world but here I am again with some more paintings that I've done since I last posted. I've actually done more than this but some of them went on to other places aka to be hung in other places :D This one I call "Falling Flowers" I'm loving flowers right now and am kind of stuck on them ;) Hope you love them too!

Song of Solomon 2:12 The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, And the voice of the turtledove Is heard in our land.

Song of Solomon 2:12 The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, And the voice of the turtledove Is heard in our land.
cherry blossom,
Monday, February 11, 2008
Welcome/Go Away
So over the weekend we celebrated my sister's birthday. I decided to give her things to decorate her new place that she's moving into soon, so I went for the woodburner :) I love the woodburner!! It's the greatest versatile tool EVER! I usually make bracelets with it (leather bracelets not wood lol) but I made her a Welcome sign out of a wood plank thing (very technical term right there ;). It turned out great and I'm sad to say I didn't take a picture of it :'( but I will be making another one I'm sure :) so there will be a picture here some day. So I'm still at the art and I'm loving it more and more. I just hope my family doesn't get sick of me giving them things that I've made :P lol!! Today I am also working on a painting that will be on a t-shirt!! So excited about that :D I've gotten so many love it comments about my cherry blossom painting that I'm putting it on a shirt. Waiting for the branches to dry right now tho. So that's all for now, pictures to come soon :D but for now this one will have to do...

He's my sleepy pig dog :D I love him I hope you do too. :D
Psalm 31:24 Be of good courage,And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the LORD.
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Genius
And here's one sketch that I am ok with, still not what I wanted but are they ever?? It is of THE Genius Da Vinci. I call him THE Genius because he was brilliant in so many things including art (of course) and science and math and all these things that one person is usually only ok in one or the other. He was brilliant and used every part of the brain that God blessed him with.

leonardo da vinci,
Ok I've been working mostly with tempera paint and well if you have ever finger painted you have used tempera paint. It's cheap and a very easy thing to paint with, however, I feel that while I've been painting with it my pieces have looked well at least reminded me a little too much of a finger painting. So with that said I decided to work with a new medium, I've now tried oils, love the fact that they don't dry fast and I also HATE that fact because how in the world am I ever to get anything done when all of the colors are smearing together??? I've always loved water color and I'm thinking I need to work some more with that. Acrylics however I've never worked with but love the look of them when I've seen them used. Sooo.... I decided to try my hand at acrylics. Hating the fact that it dries faster than I can blink but other than that I'm enjoying them so I do believe I'll be working with them a little more depending on if I can afford them LOL!!! So here is my first acrylic painting... hope you like it at least a little :D

Some more..
I'm working I SWEAR!!
Ok so I know I haven't posted in awhile but I swear I'm painting and sketching and all that jazz still. The sketches will NOT be posted because I'm NEVER satisfied with them except for one and I will post that :D Soo here is one of my water color and pastel creations. It's of my nephew being silly. He is such a sweet little boy I absolutely love him.

Ephesians 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.
Ephesians 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Phoenix
Sooo I do believe I am FINALLY finished with the Phoenix. UGH! I have to say this was the HARDEST painting, the way that I used the brush and did the brush strokes made it take a VERY long time but it was worth it because my favorite part of the entire painting is without a doubt the brush strokes. For the first part of this painting I thought a lot about the story of the phoenix and it's rebirth through fire and all that and it just amazed me. The analogy of in order to be made new you have to go through fire (fire is usually equated with hell) to be reborn or born again. It made me very thankful for my beliefs. Forgiveness is a HUGE part of my belief and I think that forgiveness plays a big part in being reborn. I think of every day as a chance to be reborn in a way. You start each day being able to make completely different choices than you made yesterday. I love love LOVE choices and I thank God that He gave me that freedom but sometimes I really wish He hadn't because then I wouldn't ever have to take responsibility for the stupid things I do :P lol! But like I mentioned earlier there is forgiveness and again Thank you LORD!!!!
Anyways, here is my labor of love of the phoenix :S I really would like to try this one again because I learned quite a bit this time around. Hope you enjoy it A LOT :D
This painting is priced at $175.00
Psalm 130:4 But there is forgiveness with You,That You may be feared.
Anyways, here is my labor of love of the phoenix :S I really would like to try this one again because I learned quite a bit this time around. Hope you enjoy it A LOT :D
Psalm 130:4 But there is forgiveness with You,That You may be feared.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Underestimating :P
So today I have underestimated again and I dyed my hair this morning but definitely underestimated how much hair I have, there is a LOT of it. So it's only partially done as of right now until I get more dye lol! However I am not letting that stop me. :) I am still working on what I call the phoenix it's coming along and I am definitely liking parts of it but there is still a lot of work that I would like to do as always. I don't think I'll ever fully finish any painting because I will always see something that I want to fix :S that's me being picky. I wonder if Michelangelo was like that. Anyways, here's a little taste of what I'm up to :D
Psalm 39:3 My heart was hot within me;While I was musing, the fire burned.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
painting = work
So I have never pushed myself to paint on a consistent basis and I am now realizing that it is without a doubt work! I am having a blast because I'm getting to do what I love but in the mean time it's killing my shoulders and neck :P I am so excited because I'm starting this whole blog thing and I'm working to try and keep up with the requirements of http://www.dailypainters.com/ because that is where I would like to eventually have my paintings up at but it's a lot harder than I originally thought. Not for lack of ideas, I've got about a billion of them running through my head even while I sleep! Lol (laugh out loud)!! I am thinking of that Hindu goddess Durga, you know, the one with all the arms. I really am wishing that I could at least look like that while I paint, that way I could get all these ideas out and make room for the new ones. Until then.. it's back to "work" for me.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Blossom maybe but where are the cherries?
I absolutely love cherry blossom trees. We have a Weeping Cherry Blossom tree and I have to say the weeping ones are my favorite. There are so many versions of cherry blossom trees but only a few actually have cherries. I find this funny that whoever names these trees just didn't seem to be that creative but it's very understandable I mean who can come up with hundreds of names for a tree? Anyways they are just another inspiration to me, I hope that this will inspire you also.
This painting is priced at $175.00
Psalm 103:15 As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
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